Happy Thanksgiving!

Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

It is already time for the fourth Thursday in November, when everyone gets together and eats a great meal over hurried conversation. Many then go to sleep early, looking to wake up before sunrise to shop on Big Friday. As for me, I’m just looking forward to knowing I got some work done this week, and enjoying some time with people I haven’t seen in a while. It is a good time right now; I’ve been writing and writing, and planning out this freelance writing career. Christmas planning means my time-old tradition of making lists and looking at random websites for shopping inspiration. When it comes to what I’m thankful for, this year I think I can say I’m thankful for this year, which has become this year of new beginnings. I began the year living in a just moved into apartment, made a bunch of new friends, lost my job, gave myself a new one and began a new more decidedly different chapter in my life.  I don’t think I’ve yet realized how different things are for me than they were this time last year. And you know what? It is pretty damn good…

Cozy weekend/cuddling up with my stomach bug

Courtesy of Office.Microsoft.Com

Happy Friday, readers! Here I am comfortably cozying up to my couch watching old Saturday Night Live episodes while eating crackers and drinking Gatorade. It is November, and northern NJ is currently experiencing a nice bit of warmer weather before the winter cold comes in. Yes, this is exactly how I want to spend my nice, warm weekend: sick with a stomach bug/flu while it’s really nice out. I do get to enjoy the weather a bit, as I have two dogs to walk. And tonight is the season finale of Real Time with Bill Maher….boooo…..

At least I can say that I got my writing done for the week, right? It could always be worse; I could be quarantined to my bed, unable to move. I mostly feel it when I’m running around a bit. All my activity has to be very much subdued right now. This sounds odd, of course, because I write from home for a living. Where’s the crazy in that?  It is also now less than two weeks until Thanksgiving, a little over a month until Christmas, and I’m only just starting my Christmas shopping. Now’s the time to get a new gig to help me buy more Christmas presents. I, of course, more than welcome Black Friday. $3 appliances from Target? Hello.  Who wouldn’t want to take advantage of those sales?

As I’m setting up my freelance writing, business, I’m also starting to get involved with the marketing aspect of things, singing up for groups on Meetup.com. I’m looking to network, handing out my business card like a madwoman. Being that I spend too much time holed up in my apartment, it’s time to start leaving the house. Here’s to having a more active professional social life…

My own personal blog, learning WordPress

My name is Heather Chadwick. I’m a 27-year-old freelance writer from NJ. I write alot, but lately none of it has been self-indulgent. As a writer, I need to flex my creative muscles, and need to write for myself as well as for my business. This Saturday morning is nothing but quiet, making it a perfect time to try this out. I’d heard so much about WordPress, and many clients prefer writers who have a working knowledge of it, so here I go.